Wond is a Senior Software Engineer in the field of Mobilephone Software Industry. He has 8-year experience covering skills in various programming languages such as C, C++, J2EE, C#, Python, QT, PHP, CSS, JavaScript, JSP,SQL, HTML and VBA and Android. Besides, he has built solid knowledge in Oracle and MySQL database modeling, operation and maintenance. Thus, he is able to provide flexible Web+Database solutions to help clients to get through cases of business transaction and management.
Wond has more than 3 years Java experience in the field of Big Data as well as Web Development and is familiar with both the operational and developmental aspects of Linux/Windows OS.
Wond’s industrial experience is focused on telecoms industry and human-machine interface design in which his clients of the project are mainly from telecomm industry, and he is capable of maintaining a level of professional interface design standard throughout his project solution.
Interesting Research Problem
  • Scenary
  • Ploting images that demostrate a series of space-less time property. Welcome anyone who can penetrate and see through the insightful properties of these formula that listed on the upper left corner
  • My spare time invention picture
  • Personal Portraits
Mail: ismlwangjun@hotmail.com